It is very important that you install VMware Tools in the guest operating system. With the VMware Tools installed VMs support significantly faster performance, time synchronization, and other enhanced features. Below are the steps to install the VMware Tools on Debian
1. Install the prerequisites into your Debian OS. If asked any questions take all of the defaults.
[root@localhost ~]# apt-get update
[root@localhost ~]# apt-get install build-essential
2. Next attach the VMware Tools using the vSphere client.
3. Mount and extract the VMware Tools to a temporary location.
[root@localhost tmp]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
[root@localhost tmp]# cd /mnt
[root@localhost tmp]# ls
VMwareTools-8.3.7-341836.tar.gz yum.log
[root@localhost tmp]# mkdir /etc/temp1
[root@localhost tmp]# tar xzvf VMwareTools-8.3.7-341836.tar.gz -C /etc/temp1/
4. CD to the directory where the tools were extracted and start install.
[root@localhost tmp]# cd /etc/temp1
[root@localhost temp1]# cd vmware-tools-distrib
[root@localhost vmware-tools-distrib]# ls
bin doc etc FILES INSTALL installer lib
[root@localhost vmware-tools-distrib]# ./
5. During the install take all of the defaults, then reboot your VM. Enjoy!